December 9, 2010

day in the sun

sunshine brings synapse realignment and exhilaration.

the city is walking distance to the right of this photo, just slightly north-west along the yarra river, which itself is about 300m behind the camera. a microcosm of a forest or bushland setting, cultivated within an inch of its life not withstanding.

as a system of traffic flow, suburban planning, electrical wiring and sporting endeavours encircles and interconnects with this park, so to a system of interrelated activities within the park reach out and interconnect with the cultural systems. collectively, the living entities of the park, including families of birds who feed on the flowers of the gum trees, the beetles that live amongst the micro-tenement towers of the grassy canyons in the lawn, the semi-forested accumulation of the large trees - and indeed the whole functioning eco-system itself, as manicured and orchestrated as much of it is - all contribute to a participation with the broader external systems within which they lie.

system overlap. system relationship.

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