April 6, 2011

the geometry strikes back

these are kinda simple really, and don't carry any conceptual weight at all. well, they do if they're amalgamated into some sort of speculative flower patterning on imaginary flora, but on their own, they're just attractive little patterns. i quite like them as such and could very easily conjure up a series of them. they're all very intuitive, as per my current drawing output and at the moment, they're all symmetrical. in the future i'll try a few that break up into more random patterns and see how they look. they are a little bit like the Honeysucker_series of drawings, but much more 'severe'.

another alternative for their development is marquetry, something i have a mild curiosity to learn one day. i could see them as various timbers inlaid into the centre of a lovely large piece of sassafras or redgum or tasmanian myrtle.

and then there's these architecturally influenced objects, like fractured planes or walls. not sure where they've come from but they seem very sculptural. they are almost always intersected by other planes bearing organic life or pierced by organic elements directly. maybe they are simply straight forward collisions of the geometric and the organic. i could imagine that the planes are made out of stone of some sort, basalt or granite, sitting heavily on the ground.

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