July 20, 2011

wheeling out the record

i've got a group show coming up at uni in a couple of weeks, curated by the inimitable doctor michael vale. he's the sort of teacher you always remember coz he loves what he is teaching and he loves to see you enjoying the thing he is so passionate about. makes you wanna get better at what you do.

anyway, it's called beautiful volcanoes and it's gonna be at monash uni in the faculty gallery. there's a killer lineup and i'm pretty stoked to be included.

here's the first rough sketch of the sculpture i'm putting in.

it's a reworking of my series called Off The Record which has a few various iterations to it now. the series centres around the idea of nature as archive, with a central thematic totem of a log made into a turntable.

i've been in my studio tonight sketching up the mathematical logistics of all the component parts, trying to recycling materials i already have at hand, as i'm rather broke, a perennial artist situation really. nonetheless, after several pages of calculations and adjustments, i've got the plans all set and now have just under 2 weeks to build the whole thing. this is the daunting part, where there's the possibility you misjudge your segments by 2mm or you break a saw blade at the wrong time. but, all the while you're loving the joy of constructing something completely new from what was once a vague idea floating around in the catacombs of your mind. and then, of course, there's the fear that you'll fuck it up and look like a total arse in front of your friends and the professorial contingent of academic brainiacs you're trying desperately to win tacit approval from. but it beats about a million other things i could be doing so i'll crank up some crunchy beats and get the drill out.


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