August 13, 2011

lab rat


started medialab today - and it's excellent.

the general gist:
 - propose a project
 - if they like it, they pick you
 - they call in as many experts as they can, to help you realise the project

pretty sweet.

so my project is to hook up sensors to a garden/forest and convert the data to sounds or a lighting display or some sort of swirling graphics video. that's the basic version anyway.

today we built some sensors, chatted about the directions of the projects (there's 3 running in this workshop), and considered how we could make them work, what possible variations we could explore.

there's 10 days of this, the last day is the exhibition of the works, and we've already got off to a flying start. can't wait to see what we develop over the course of the program.

oh - and the guys that run this thing are great. just great.

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