August 14, 2011

plan(t)s in motion

getting started with some plans for a project that we can build and have completed in a week. we've talked about refining the broad claims of my initial project to enable an outcome capable of being realised.

sunday morning, where we're at:
using sonic conversion is great, and has potential, but is being done fairly regularly at the moment.
talking of finding different expressive modes, leads to the idea of motion.
motion invests an agency in the plants -  one key difference between the animal and plant kingdom, is the plants' lack of mobility. investing them with the capability to move is more novel and being more literally 'active' could be a good way to play on agency.

this is an initial sketch of the first idea - to have plants twitch in response to behaviour/condition.
thinking here that a human actor in the scene can be detected by one plant, and it's the other plants that respond to the touch (need to consider of it is all, if the reaction dissipates across distance).
also, if one plant is too dry, too wet, or suffers some other problem, the plants around it begin to respond (twitch).

again here, i'm trying to ensure the human isn't too much in the driver's seat, and the plants appear as if they have their own power and behaviour, regardless of human intervention.

possible future directions:
i like here how the distances could be played with - could be a tree in a forest whose condition triggers reaction in a pot plant in the city. or your garden veggie patch that affects your pot plants etc.
also the dissipating reactions across space - rippling out from the central point.
and later on, these twitch reactions could be coupled with other effects such as sound and could be transmitted not only to the plants but beyond them to other devices or through other media.

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