August 17, 2011

thinking in pictures

i guess it's a consequence of being visual, as well as having the experience of travelling down dead-end paths because of poor planning, i always find there's an advantage in sketching out the ideas.

so, day 5, we're going to try and give the SWAY function a decent go, so we can at least have made every attempt to get 2 motion phases developed for the plants.

we'll give it our best shot and see what we can make happen. it's requiring a fair bit of pulley action, and motor activity, so hopefully we can keep all that hidden and quiet.

i think this is now hitting the mark in terms of 'the condition of the plants creating their behaviour'. way way back at the outline of the project my thoughts were that the plants would create their own light shows, their own symphonic choirs, based purely on the data of their conditions (light, temperature, voltage, motion) so this feels like it is matching that intention now.

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